A Dialogue on Leadership in Uncertain Times – Session 5

November 4, 2009 After last month’s entry, I received multiple inquiries similar to this one:  “What happened to JFM?  Is she still working?”  I laughed; I had been so focused on the Big Important Ideas that had emerged in coaching that it hadn’t occurred to me that people were equally, if not more interested in the storyline.  When I shared with JFM that people were curious about what had happened to her she responded with this:

JFM:    That’s interesting…For the first time in this process, the fact that people are asking about the person behind the drama makes me feel a little self-conscious.  What has happened to me on the inside is much more valuable than what has happened on the outside.  Externally, I’ve been on some interesting job searches, even following one overseas, I’ve taken myself on a 10 day meditation retreat, and, while I am still looking for a position, I’m also considering an MBA.